We are pleased to introduce you to this year's Placemaking Personalities! These inspired local and national thought leaders will deliver engaging talks that share their placemaking trials and triumphs and inspire you on your creative placemaking journey!
Arts, culture and creative placemaking play a major role in not only drawing new talent into a region, they also are key in keeping talent that already exists! Join local talent attraction and retention specialist Chris Sell as speaks with statewide placemaking experts on how talent and place factor into creating vibrant, successful communities.
Keynote speakers for Creative Placemaking Summit: Forward Momentum have been announced! Join us in welcoming Jun-Li Wang from Springboard for the Arts and Tru Pettigrew from Tru Access to our schedule!
Have questions? Consider attending the Pre-Summit Session
If you want to get the full Creative Placemaking Summit experience, it's good to know the basics before you get there! This year, we are offering a Pre-Summit Session to give you some "101" or basic information about the benefits and best practices of creative placemaking.